Our Holidays

Our Holidays are the foundation of our society’s culture, and they can be shared with us all and bring us together as a nation. Holidays are an occasion to celebrate a variety of events, ranging from religious beliefs to our country’s founding fathers. They bring us closer together and give us a reason to exchange gifts. They allow us to take a break from our busy lives and spend quality time with our loved ones. For instance, we celebrate the birth of Christ during Christmas and His death and resurrection at Easter. We acknowledge the liberation of the Jews from Egypt on Passover, recognize our mothers on Mother’s Day and our fathers on Father’s Day. Then we celebrate love on Valentine’s Day and honor our fallen soldiers on Memorial Day. We celebrate the creation of our great nation on July 4th, among other holidays along the way.

Easter: Easter is a joyful and rejuvenating occasion observed by people worldwide as a sign of the approach of spring and the possibility of fresh starts. Whether celebrated as a cultural event or for its religious significance, it stands for optimism, strength, and the prospect of a better tomorrow. Easter is a Christian celebration, but it also includes nonreligious customs like egg decorating and seeing the Easter Bunny, which have pagan roots but are well-known for their festive vibe. This tale highlights the value of appreciating the now, considering life’s benefits, and anticipating the future. Read the article here.

St. Patrick’s Day: Ireland has a rich and fascinating history, including the story of a British boy who was captured as a slave, escaped bondage, returned to England, became a cleric, and then returned to Ireland to convert the pagans to Christianity and chase the snakes away. As a result, he became a saint. Read the story Here.

Valentine’s Day: I believe that the most precious thing to celebrate is love. It creates unmatched, unconditional bonds between us and it is the anchor of the family. It is the way that we obtain the closeness that we feel for each other. And we celebrate love all because of one man’s refusal to accept an emperor’s ban on marriage. Read my take on Valentine’s Day here.

I will share my thoughts on the various holidays that give us reasons to celebrate throughout the year. I just hope I can keep up with it. And I hope you have your big bowl of popcorn ready to follow along and enjoy the stories.