Fine Wines Delivered To Your Door

When you own True Fine wines, you can benefit from the purposes for which they were created. Better health and a higher quality of life.

You absolutely must see this if you drink store-purchased wine:

Visit this page to enroll and have your fine wines delivered to your door.

We were Astounded when we Discovered the Truth about “WINES” or, as Rory puts it, “Wine Beverages” that we were Purchasing in the Grocery Store, Liquor Store, or even Specialty Wine Stores, and we also Discovered that True Fine Wines were usually those that cost $120 or More per Bottle.

When we Discovered this Wine Of The Month Club, we Discovered a Method to gain “Awesome Value” and Access to Wines we could always Rely on to offer what we Wanted: Great Relaxation, Great Health Benefits, and a Great time.

Want to see What you can do with True Fine Wines?

This is Taken from our “Wine Magic” Info Page:

This is Wine Magic at its most Spectacular!

As you Saw in the Presentation above, not all Wines are Equal. And not all “Wines” are truly True Fine Wines. Ours are. And That is where it all Begins.

Here are the Ingredients and True Fine Wines we Served at our “Wine Magic Event”:

The entire Evening of this “Wine Magic Event” will Begin with the Wines.

  • More Than Muse Rose’
  • Tanya Ricord Pinot Grigio
  • Nile Eddy Pinot Noir
  • Donna Walker Cabernet Sauvignon
  • Adele Zinfandel
  • Ricord Merlot

It should be Noted that having Several Wines for the “EVENT” allows for more “Tastes and Taste Events in your Body,” and your Guests will Really Enjoy it. We had Glasses for Each Wine, but you can start out slow and wash and dry the White Glasses and Red Glasses as you Progress throughout the Evening, or you can have Separate Glasses for each Wine.

Next, the Food is Added!

Charcuterie Board. This is Usually with Salty Meats like Salami, Pepperoni, and Ham, as well as Savory Meats. Turkey; from plain to seasoned. Beef; from plain to seasoned. Olives and Capers. Some Jams or Preserves. Nuts; Pecans, Almonds, Cashews. Oh, and toss in Kiwi Slices or Apple Slices (Granny Smith and Honeycrisp are our favorites).

Appetizers/Starters. The Salad will be light if Following the Charcuterie Board. Light being a Caeser or Garden Salad. Be sure to have the Dressings on the Side. The True Fine Wines Themselves add to the Enhancements of what a Dressing offers. Some of us Enjoy the Salad and Prefer the Wine to the Dressing Needs. While a good Blue Cheese or Caesar Dressing makes the “Wine” flavors POP!

wine magic

Mains. This is where we Added a Fish Dish. Salmon or Barramundi are our Go-To’s. And a Beef Dish. From a Roast to a Prime Rib, or BBQ’d Steaks. Seasoning on the Steak Salt and Pepper Allowing the Meat and Wine to mingle Beautifully in the “Tasting Event.”

Dessert. Chocolate Cake. Rich and Deep in “Dark Chocolate”. Next to the Dark Chocolate Pieces themselves, it is a Merlot’s Best Pairing. A chocolate plate is a Fantastic Idea as Well.

Ready for the Ultimate Wine Experience -Click Here to Begin-

How Wine Magic Works Now that the foods and wines are prepared and ready to go:

  • We Begin. To Begin with the Charcuterie Board, the Tanya Ricord Pinot Grigio and More Than Muse Rose’ bring up anyone’s Tasting Palette and allow them to Savor the Flavor Pairings.
  • Moving into the Starters. Salads, Shrimp Skewers, and Charcuterie to your Heart’s Content, you will be able to Progress To the Nile Eddy Pinot Noir. Moving into the Reds (Finally for many, Reds are favorites after all).
  • Then into the Mains. This allows the Adele Zinfandel and Donna Walker Cabernet Sauvignon to be brought out and added to the Tasting Fun; this is Wine Magic in “SPADES” at this Stage.
  • Dessert Time! The Ricord Merlot and/or Chocolate Tasting Plate are Served, Completing this Wine Magic Event!
  • Continue as The Wine Magic Event Allows. If there are any Remaining Wines, the Pairing and Experimenting of Flavor Combinations can Continue, from Lighter Wines to be Paired with Heavier dishes and Sweets to having a Charcuterie Tasting with the Merlot, Pinot Noir, Zin, and Cab!

This makes it Possible for Quite the Entertainment to Happen. Make sure to also Take a Look at our Accessories, which let you Entertain in style. See them here.

Go Here to Enroll and Get Your Fine Wines Delivered To Your Door

Be sure to reach out and contact me for more information. Once we officially add you into our Online Community we get to “GIFT YOU” with more and more and more! See how to contact me here: